eDiscovery Challenges with Workplace Collaboration Tools – Public Sector

  • Innovative Driven
  • Published on March 22nd, 2023

**Unfortunately due to varying requirements among State by State CLE approval authorities for prerecorded material, we are not able to offer CLE credit for recorded webinars. We can only offer CLE credit for the live sessions.

Workplace collaboration tools like Microsoft 365, Slack, and Google Workspace present several complex eDiscovery challenges for eDiscovery practitioners from government regulators and agencies. From issues with retention settings and account types to embedded document links and export formats, collection and production difficulties abound. Fold in conflicting court decisions and it becomes readily apparent why workplace collaboration tools present unique discovery problems even for experienced eDiscovery professionals. Come listen to a panel of experts who will analyze the issues and offer practical insights for government practitioners on a particularly compelling discovery practice area.

Topics covered include:

  • A general overview of common workplace collaboration tools, including features and functionality that affect discovery considerations
  • Practice tips for addressing challenges with collecting and producing messages and other ESI from Microsoft 365, Slack, and Google Workspace
  • A review of pertinent and conflicting court decisions on the issues


  • Raymond Rivard, FDIC
  • David Gaston, National Labor Relations Board
  • Philip Favro, Innovative Driven