Second Requests


Second Requests


or greater reduction in documents requiring review post collection

Chambers Ranked

Successful negotiations with agency staff and meaningful modifications


Supporting M&A activity across
government agencies and complex industries.


Consumer Products







Natural Resources



Department of Justice

Federal Trade Commission

European Commission

Competition Bureau Canada

New York Attorney General

New Hampshire Attorney General

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Why Use Innovative Driven for Second Requests?

Defensible & Timely Custom Workflows

Complex matters require various eDiscovery solutions and services. Our proven workflows identify the relevant data sources, limiting the time and effort to export the relevant information. This proactive and consultative solution quickly gathers the data agencies want at substantial cost savings and facilitates the relationships of all parties throughout the process.

We also leverage best-of-breed technologies throughout compliance, including defensible predictive coding tools, programmatic redaction applications, and machine-learning approaches to identifying privileged documents.

Linked Attachments

With data operations in remote server networks, many traditional company "attachments" are stored in the cloud. Our proprietary workflow identifies those linked attachments (e.g., in Google Drive or SharePoint) and matches them with their extant counterparts elsewhere in the collection. Clients leveraging this workflow are ahead of questions from staff, and clients can be confident they are reviewing and producing all relevant data.

Agency Negotiations

Government agencies require each company under investigation to provide information about how it intends to use eDiscovery tools before applying them to identify responsive materials. Our experience drafting TAR protocols also makes us adept at participating in TAR workflow negotiations with staff and attesting to the workflows' defensibility. Our protocols haven't been challenged and are generally accepted as best practices.

Enterprise Databases, Structured Data & New Forms of Nontraditional File Types

Corporate data volumes continue to increase exponentially and are often stored in enterprise databases or other structured data repositories. We work with clients, counsel, and IT to streamline running the reports to meet agency specifications that forego unnecessary collection and processing reams of data.

Single Service Provider Solution


An innovative way to handle Second Requests with our teams supporting both sides of the deal.

Having supported acquiring parties, those being acquired, and both sides of the merger – we fully understand the concern about promptly complying to produce documents for the government. We’ve worked on “bet the company” type transactions and understand the importance of both parties operating in lockstep to reach the agreed-upon compliance state.

In certain transactions, it makes sense for both parties to use the same service provider. Our approach is a shared resource built with ethical walls, separate teams to support each party to the deal, and transparency built into our workflow and reporting processes. We can set up separate workspaces on the same server or separate servers if preferred.

Our Chambers Ranked staff has a proven track record supporting multiple Second Requests simultaneously. Every member, from forensics to client services, delivers the exceptional support on which we’ve built our reputation.

Additional Solutions

Email Archive Migration

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Analytics & Managed Review Services

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Collections and Forensic Analysis

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