Working From Home: How to Stay Focused, Productive, and Happy  

  • Published on May 25, 2023
Written by: Christina Medis

Working from home can be an amazing opportunity and a very rewarding pivot in your career. However, finding the right rhythm and boundaries can be challenging. Here are several strategies you can use to stay focused, productive, and happy while working remotely:    

  1. Create a designated workspace: Having a space dedicated solely to your work can help you establish a separation between the work-from-home life and your personal life. Create a comfortable and visually appealing area by setting up your workstation ergonomically. This will lead to more productivity and overall joy in your space. Here are some suggestions to make your work from home space comfortable and functional:   
  • Position yourself near a window : Not only is exposure to natural light vital for your well-being, but it also serves as an excellent source of lighting for video conferencing.  
  • Avoid unsightly shadows : Any intrusive shadows can distract from your on-camera appearance, so make sure your lighting is adequate.  
  • Choose a simple backdrop: When participating in a video call, minimize any potential distractions in the background to keep the focus on you.  While the blur effect was designed to eliminate background distractions, it can end up causing more distractions by creating a constantly shifting and blurry background. This can be particularly problematic if you are moving around, as the blur effect may struggle to keep up with your movements and create a disorienting effect for the other participants. In addition, the blur effect can sometimes create awkward visual artifacts around your head and body, which can be distracting to the people on the call. Ultimately, it’s best to stick with a simple, uncluttered background and avoid using the blur effect altogether. 
  1. Set boundaries: It is important to establish boundaries and communicate them to your family members. Set clear expectations about when you are available and when you need to focus on work.  
  1. Make a schedule: Having a visible schedule in your calendar can help you stay on track and prioritize your tasks. Make sure to include time for breaks and allocate blocks of time for focused work.  
  1. Stay active and healthy: Working from home can be sedentary, so it’s important to try to stay active. This can help improve your mood, focus, and productivity.  
  1. Take breaks and disconnect: It’s important to stand up and move around for a few minutes every hour to disengage from work to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Make sure to step away from your computer, take walks, and engage in activities that bring you joy.  

By utilizing these tactics, you can remain laser-focused, highly productive, and blissfully content while working from the comfort of your home. For more ways to make your at-home space the most productive possible, contact our Talent Acquisition team today!